First blog post. So I'm not completly sure how this works, what to write, and what people will actually take time to read and not consider it a waste of time. One thing I can promise, I will write about what I'm learning, what my heart is feeling, and possibly any funny day to day moments that hopefully will bring laughter to someone else. I'm most excited to be able to come back and see what all I've learned and where I've come from.
To start off, Senior year is the most craziest year yet. This year has been filled with life long memories, new friendships, and a whole bunch of different emotions. From wearing the crowns at our pep rallies, dress up days, riding our SCO scooters in the hall, senior sunglasses, getting out of school @ 1:34... all these have contributed to an amazing senior year so far. I can't imagine this year getting any better. It's also amazing to see how God has opened my heart to new friendships that leave my heart full. I can't wait to see where life takes each of us and where we end up. And lastly, in regards to the vast variety of emotions, there are days when I am over whelmed with the possibilties of the future that God has layed out for me. From college, to career, to (gasp) a SMOG... it all excites me and makes me impatient for that stage of life to come. On contrary, there are days, days that come more frequently, that I mourn over this last year. The sadness of leaving my family, sisters, friends, youth group, church... sometimes these thoughts are unbearable. I can't imagine having to leave and am sadden to think of my every day life with out them. I am anxious to see how the Lord grows me this year, to prepare me for college.
All this being said, one lesson I have learned is to live life in the NOW. To charish every moment given to me, to be thankful for the time I'm given because in the end, this is not my life, or my home. Today is not gauranteed. Not even the angels in heaven know when the world will come to an end, and this fact alone should make me stop and realize how precious each moment is and to make the most of every opportuinity.
Years like these make me truely believe just how blessed I am and how much the Lord has given me to show me His love, although Jesus dying on the cross would have been enough. It blows my mind that He loves me this much, to give me a life and to the fullest. I can't wait to see how the Lord grows me this year and where He takes me. My earnest desire is that when God reveals His plan for me, I will not be hesitate to obey.
Remember, every day is a gift. How is your every day schedule bringing glory to the One only worthy of it. I am thankful for all He has given to me and hope that I will never cease to grow in Him.
"Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." -James 4: 14
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